Saturday, February 18, 2012

Stellar Small Wing

Newly Modified Stellar Paddle
-All Carbon, very light
-Not much twist so very user friendly
-Cam lock connector, so ultra secure, and on water adjustment in seconds.
-Oval tapered shaft.
-Size blade appropiate for most paddlers.
-10 Centimeter overall adjustments

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sakonnet River, Portsmouth, RI

This is my home training grounds, McCorrie Point Beach on the Sakonnet River. Take a right and paddle 6 miles and you will be in the Ocean but before you get there, the River gets wider and wider (3 miles) with tide, current, swells, refractory waves that make it a wonderful place to train. Today it is flat!

Take a left and paddle 3 miles up River and the water gets flatter until you reach the Sakonnet River Bridge where there is more current than any other place in Rhode Island. Remember Rhode Island is the Ocean State!!
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